Manufacturing jobs are on the rise. Will safety keep up?

After several years of unemployment, many people are happy and relieved to be back in the workforce. New opportunities are enabling workers to launch new careers. Jobs that involve a specialized skill or trade are on the rise. In North Carolina and throughout the country, more and more people are working manufacturing jobs.

Throughout the twentieth century, U.S. workers were more often employed in the service and technology industries than in manufacturing. A shift has occurred, however, and manufacturing jobs are steadily on the rise. This has raised safety concerns in many areas.

Employers face several risks with manufacturing jobs

No matter what sector you work in, your employer must provide a safe working environment. If you work in an industry that requires specialized skills or knowledge, such as manufacturing jobs, your employer must provide proper training and equipment to keep you safe and reduce the chances of a workplace accident.

Manufacturing often involves the use of heavy equipment or dangerous materials. Proper safety protocols must always be a top priority. As employers rush to fill the need for workers, some may try to cut corners or overlook safety factors in favor of increasing productivity. This is a big mistake that can not only land an employer in a heap of legal trouble but can also place employees’ lives at risk.

Industry at an all-time high since 2009

There are more active manufacturing jobs today throughout North Carolina and the rest of the United States than there have been since 2009. As manufacturing re-emerges as a staple of the American economy, it must be able to sustain itself by maintaining safety in accordance with state and federal laws and accepted standards throughout the industry.

Manufacturing jobs will never be foolproof against mishaps or accidents. Thankfully, like all employers, those in the manufacturing industry must purchase workers’ compensation insurance to provide benefits to employees who suffer on-the-job injuries.

Navigating the workers’ compensation system

Workers’ compensation benefits cover medical expenses, replace lost wages and provide financial coverage for many other things like transportation costs to medical appointments or retraining expenses for an employee heading back to work after recovery. Many workers become distressed when either their employer or an insurance agency denies their initial claims.

Such workers should not lose hope, however. In fact, many denied claims later receive approval through the appeals process. This is a complex process that can be challenging to navigate, which is why it’s best to seek experienced counsel before filing an appeal.

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