Asheville Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

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Asheville Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

Few events in your life can be as catastrophic as a traumatic brain injury (TBI). A TBI can cause untold damage to your body, your health, and your employment status, among other elements of your life. The consequences of a TBI can be permanent. If you ever suffer a TBI, it is vital that you reach out to an Asheville traumatic brain injury lawyer who can help you figure out what your next steps are, especially if your TBI was the result of a work-related injury.

A traumatic brain injury can have a profound impact not only on the injured worker but on his or her entire family. Ganly & Ramer, P.L.L.C., has successfully represented dozens of North Carolina workers who have sustained traumatic brain injury, or TBI. We have been successful in settling such claims for $1 million. While each claim is different, the firm has the experience with TBI cases needed to achieve the best resolution for the injured worker and his or her family.

asheville traumatic brain injury lawyer

What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury is an injury that’s caused by severe outside force to the brain. A forceful bump, a bad fall, or a penetrating injury can all cause a TBI, as can multiple other possible situations. Not every blow to the head will result in a TBI, but the really bad ones often can. If you are ever seriously injured and worried that you may be developing a TBI, you may want to go see your doctor immediately just for peace of mind.

There are two main types of traumatic brain injury — penetrating and non-penetrating. Both can cause irreparable damage to your brain, and, therefore, your entire body. If you ever suffer either type of injury, it is vital to your health that you get immediate medical attention:

  • Penetrating TBI. This type of TBI happens when an outside object pierces your skull and forcefully enters your brain, such as a bullet, a knife, or a bone fragment. While this type of injury can often only result in part of your brain being injured, the potential for permanent catastrophe is still very much present.
  • Non-penetrating TBI. This type of TBI is also known as a blunt TBI or a closed head injury. This injury is caused by a sudden external force that is strong enough to literally move your brain within the confines of the skull. The resulting trauma can be absolutely devastating and result in permanent brain damage. Non-penetrating TBIs are often caused by bad falls, car accidents, blast injuries, or blunt-force trauma.

Symptoms of a TBI in the Workplace

Virtually any kind of workplace runs the potential of an employee suffering a traumatic brain injury. Workers in the state, like factory workers, construction workers, truck drivers, public safety officers, and emergency responders, may be more susceptible to a possible TBI situation due to the inherent danger of their work. If you ever find yourself experiencing the symptoms of a TBI, you may want to see a doctor. You may not even be aware that you suffered head trauma:

  • Mild TBI symptoms. The symptoms of a mild TBI can vary depending on the injured person. Symptoms may not manifest right away. It could take a few days. A hard bump on the head may not immediately be considered a big deal.Symptoms could include physical issues like nausea, dizziness, headaches, and blurred vision, as well as cognitive issues like mild confusion, concentration problems, short-term memory loss, and general grogginess.A mild TBI could cause you to have trouble sleeping, make you feel more anxious than usual, and affect your mood considerably. Symptoms could start to wane as your brain starts to heal from your injury.
  • Severe TBI symptoms. The symptoms of a severe TBI can also vary depending on the person and the severity of their injuries. Symptoms could manifest sooner. Physical symptoms could include a coma, a temporary loss of consciousness, balance issues, hearing loss, vision issues, and sensory perception problems. You could also manifest symptoms of depression, anxiety, and rage.

Get The Help Your Family Needs After A Brain Injury

If your family member suffered a head injury in a workplace accident in North Carolina, he or she is entitled to medical treatment and disability pay benefits through workers’ compensation or a self-insurance fund. Unfortunately, insurance providers and many employers are skeptical of these types of claims and often put up barriers to paying benefits. Obtaining an experienced attorney is the best way to ensure you receive all the benefits your family is due under the Workers’ Compensation Act.


What Is the Average Settlement for a Traumatic Brain Injury Case?

There is no telling what the average settlement for a traumatic brain injury case could be. Brain injury cases are always different because the details of each case are unique. Just because one brain injury case similar to yours resulted in a high settlement, it doesn’t mean that yours will. The severity of your condition, the evidence that your accident was caused by negligence, and your lawyer’s negotiation skills will all play a part.

What Should I Do if I Have Suffered a Head Injury?

The very first thing you should do if you have suffered a head injury is to seek medical attention. You don’t know how bad your injury might’ve been. You could be dealing with a severe non-penetrating TBI. It is vital to your health that you find out soon just how severe your condition may be.

What Is the Most Effective Treatment for a Traumatic Brain Injury?

The most effective treatment for a traumatic brain injury depends entirely on the nature of the injury and its severity. For most TBIs, rest can be a significant help. That includes rest from cognitive activities. If possible, you should rest, take it easy, and try not to think about anything for a while. Your doctor may recommend a different strategy, and you should follow their treatment as prescribed. Treatment can include medication, surgery, and physical therapy.

What Is the Prognosis for a Traumatic Brain Injury?

The prognosis for a traumatic brain injury depends entirely on the severity of your injury and how long it may take to fully heal. A TBI can change the way you function in your daily life, depending on just how bad the damage to your brain really is. Your doctor can help you try to adjust and do what they can to heal your injury. Your lawyer can help you pursue compensation against the parties responsible for what happened.

Fighting Aggressively For Your Compensation

Our lawyers will aggressively fight to help your loved one get the medical treatment and care he or she needs, plus lost wage benefits and compensation for any permanent impairment. Family members are often called upon to provide care during the prolonged recovery. In such cases the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act permits the family members to be paid for providing such care. The law also provides for necessary home modifications to be paid for by the insurance company.

Get In Touch With NAP Today

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury in a workplace accident anywhere in North Carolina. Call us at 828-844-5274 or use our convenient email contact form to arrange a free consultation at our firm. There are no attorneys’ fees unless you obtain benefits.

Dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic brain injury can be demoralizing, confusing, and frustrating, especially if you don’t know how to go about seeking damages or filling out a workers’ comp claim.

An experienced traumatic brain injury lawyer like the ones at Ganly & Ramer, P.L.L.C., can help you develop your case, make sure you aren’t taken advantage of, and ensure that your situation is resolved effectively. Contact us to speak with a valued team member today.

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