5 common causes of work-related amputations in construction

Safety is paramount when working in the construction industry. Minor oversights, such as skipping protective gear or failing to inspect machinery before use, can lead to severe injuries. Amputations are a real risk in this line of work, more so than in other fields. These injuries are not only painful and costly, but they may prevent your return to work.

Knowing how these injuries may happen is a crucial step to avoiding them.

Machinery that bite

You likely regularly work with saws, concrete mixers, jackhammers or other power tools. Familiarity sometimes makes people careless. It is crucial to remember that these tools can cause life-changing injuries if overlooked.

Lack of fall prevention

Working from heights is part of the job, however a fall can be catastrophic. In some instances, a fall accident can result in severe trauma or infection, which may necessitate amputation. Although your employer is responsible for implementing fall protection systems and safety training, your constant vigilance is just as important.

Improper storage of flammable materials

Explosions may be rare, but their results can be severe. Anything from the improper storage of flammable materials and chemicals, short-circuiting wires or negligence may result in fires or explosions. At times, complications from deep burn injuries may require amputation.

Vehicle collisions

Operating heavy machinery requires your full attention. Excavators, backhoes, bulldozers, and other construction vehicles can be unforgiving to humans, leading to crushed bones or pinned limbs. Keeping these machines well-maintained and exercising caution when working near one is essential to protecting yourself.

Inadequate safety gear

Unfortunately, the use of protective gear is lowest in the construction industry. While they might be inconvenient or uncomfortable to wear, putting on personal protective equipment (PPE) is not optional. It can lessen the impact of shocking blows and withstand penetration, protecting you from serious injuries.

A change in attitude towards safety can make a big difference. Following the rules, conducting routine checks and focusing on the task at hand are just a few steps that may significantly minimize workplace dangers.

If you are injured on the job, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation. This no-fault system ensures you receive benefits, even in cases where you might believe the accident is your fault.

Unfortunately, many work-related injuries, including amputations, go unreported. Uncooperative employers, failing to meet the deadlines for filing or lack of evidence are a few reasons employees sometimes are unable to access much-needed financial support. If you are in this challenging situation, seeking legal assistance may help advance your claim.

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