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Jun 02 2020

3 killed, 1 injured in North Carolina…

Those who ride as a passenger in a motor vehicle may often have little to no control over the decisions or actions of the driver.…

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May 28 2020

Know the signs of complex regional pain…

Complex regional pain syndrome is a rare disorder that may arise after a serious injury or illness.CRPS, also called reflex sympathetic dystrophy, causes intense chronic…

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May 19 2020

Construction accident involving collapsed column proves fatal

Structural collapses continue to be a major safety concern for construction workers in North Carolina and across the nation. Incidents involving even a partial collapse…

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May 04 2020

1 airlifted to hospital after car accident…

There are a variety of circumstances in which traffic congestion can occur, and in some cases, those who experience such delays may find that being…

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Apr 30 2020

Can I sue my employer for my…

An on-the-job injury entitles you to some specific benefits under workers’ compensation. Most employers must carry this insurance to protect itself and its employees. You…

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Apr 20 2020

2 injured after crane collapses during construction…

With many construction projects, the use of heavy-duty machines such as cranes may be vital to operations. Unfortunately, working with and around such machines can…

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Apr 07 2020

What types of wage benefits are available…

From musculoskeletal disorders caused by repetitive movement to catastrophic injuries caused by malfunctioning equipment, workers in a wide range of industries face health risks on…

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Apr 06 2020

Distraction continues to be a leading cause…

In the time it takes a driver to look down and read a text message or reach down and change a radio station, a motor…

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Mar 30 2020

Understanding the causes of construction site accidents

While at least some level of safety hazards may exist in nearly all professions, certain fields of work are inherently more hazardous than others. Those…

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Mar 20 2020

How can I prevent injury in the…

When most individuals think about getting injured on the job, it is likely that the majority of people are not thinking about office workers. While…

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Mar 16 2020

Workplace illnesses or accidents may qualify for…

North Carolina families suddenly finding themselves without a loved one’s financial support may qualify for death benefits under workers’ comp. A workplace accident or illness…

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Mar 09 2020

Can sun glare cause an accident?

As daylight savings time rolls around each year, sun glare can once again cause annoyance for anyone driving long distances. Dealing with light obscuring your…

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Feb 26 2020

What are common risks waiters and waitresses…

The food service industry is a demanding job. You are often on your feet for most of the day, and you have to maintain a…

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Feb 23 2020

What you need to know about attendant…

Whether you work at a hotel, construction site, office, hospital or anywhere else, you take pride in the job you do. After all, you put…

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Feb 11 2020

Precautions that promote safety in the construction…

Construction sites are considered one of the most dangerous working environments. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Association, among 4,779 fatalities reported in 2018,…

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Feb 05 2020

Amputation injuries in the worker’s comp

Worker’s compensation claims involving amputation can be straightforward, and they can also be very difficult. There are certain aspects of the claim that are readily…

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Jan 22 2020

Deadly left-hand turns and how motorcyclists can…

Motorcyclists are at a distinct disadvantage on the road for a number of reasons. Not only are they more vulnerable in a crash, they are…

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Jan 21 2020

What you should know about wrecking the…

If you are one of the lucky people whose employer provides you with a company car to drive, you know how beneficial this perk can…

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Jan 07 2020

What does workers’ comp cover?

North Carolina’s no-fault workers’ compensation system is designed to provide a variety of financial benefits for you if you suffer an injury at work. If…

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Jan 03 2020

What to do if you witness a…

Workplace illnesses and occupational injuries are not exactly rare in the United States. In fact, according to a recent press release from the Bureau of…

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