Why is construction such a dangerous industry?

Hearing about construction accidents is not an uncommon occurrence. If you work on a construction site in North Carolina, you may even see first hand how dangerous this field is. It is also a highly regulated field but despite efforts to make construction safer for workers, there are still high numbers of injuries and deaths on construction sites every year. This may lead you to wonder why construction is so dangerous.

Health & Safety International explains that the main reason construction is such a dangerous industry is because of the nature of the work. If you work in construction, you know hazards are just a part of the job. You cannot avoid working at heights or with large equipment. It is impossible to make a construction site free of every hazard. The work simply could not be done without the hazardous conditions.

Despite being naturally dangerous by default, this industry also has a lot of risk for errors. If one person makes a mistake, it could potentially put everyone’s safety at risk. In addition, if employers do not provide proper safety training and equipment, this also lends itself to the potential for accidents.

Essentially, everyone has to work together to make a construction site as safe as possible. Each person must take responsibility to ensure he or she is not making things any more dangerous than they naturally are. In addition, everyone must take safety seriously and adhere to policies and requirements. This information is for education, and it is not legal advice.

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