Waynesville Truck Accident Lawyer

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Waynesville Truck Accident Attorney

Truck accidents have the potential to be particularly devastating. The sheer size and power of these vehicles can cause untold destruction in an accident on a busy road. Trucks can turn into frightening road hazards at a moment’s notice, causing a chaotic situation that can be difficult to bring under control. If you are ever involved in a truck accident, you may want to take the necessary steps to protect yourself by hiring an Waynesville, NC, truck accident lawyer.

Waynesville NC Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck Accidents and North Carolina Law

When pursuing legal action following a truck accident, it is imperative that you adhere to the North Carolina statute of limitations for personal injury claims, which is three years. This means that you will have three years to start pursuing legal action by building a case, gathering evidence, consulting a lawyer, and filing a claim. If you fail to file before three years are up, your case may be thrown out, and you may lose your opportunity to pursue compensatory damages.

It is also important to note that, under North Carolina’s comparative negligence laws, you could lose out on the opportunity to seek compensation if you are found to be even partially at fault for the accident. Before pursuing legal action, you may want to bring your case to an experienced truck accident lawyer. They can help you determine if your case is susceptible to comparative negligence.

What to Do After a Truck Accident

When a truck driver loses control of their vehicle, and an accident occurs, the resulting devastation can be substantial. A truck accident has the potential to cause significant damage to not just your vehicle but also your emotional and mental health. The injuries you may suffer could alter your life. It is vital that you take certain steps to make sure that your claim is as strong as it can be. Here are some of those steps:

  • Calm Yourself: Truck accidents are terrifying. If you are in one, you are probably going to panic. It is important that you try your hardest to keep yourself calm and hold yourself together. It may seem impossible at the time, but you should take a deep breath, get yourself under control, and figure out your next moves.
  • Check for Injuries: The potential for serious injury is considerable in a truck accident. If your car was hit by a truck, you may be catastrophically injured. Be sure to check yourself for injuries. If you are in shock, you may not be aware of any injuries. If you have any passengers in the car, check them for injuries as well. Look for any bloody spots, bruising, protrusions, and signs of whiplash. If you are in pain but cannot find a wound, tell the EMTs when they arrive.
  • Call 911: As soon as you are physically able, call 911. You need to get police officers and EMTs to the scene as soon as possible. Having law enforcement take charge of the scene may offer you some semblance of peace. Be sure to get checked out by the EMTs, even if you are not in any pain.
  • Move Your Car: If you are not too injured to do so, you may want to consider moving your car out of the road and onto the side. After all, you don’t want to cause another accident because your vehicle was sitting in the way of oncoming traffic. If you are too injured to move your vehicle or it is too wrecked, don’t worry about it.
  • Gather Evidence: When the police give you the all-clear, you can start gathering evidence at the scene that can support your claim. Be sure to take photos of your injuries, damage to all vehicles involved, and the road conditions. Speak to any witnesses, and get their information.
  • Exchange Information: You will need to exchange insurance and contact information with the truck driver. Get the name of the company they work for. Do not admit fault for the accident, as that can cause you serious problems later.
  • See a Lawyer: When you decide to file a claim, you should seek out the advice of an experienced truck accident lawyer. They can help you develop your case and see what your options are.


What Causes Most Truck Accidents in North Carolina?

The primary cause of truck accidents in North Carolina is driver error. Driver error can include many different actions, such as distracted driving, fatigued driving, or drunk driving. Truck drivers are not perfect, but they have an obligation to keep their vehicles under control. If they fail to do that, for whatever reason, they may cause an accident.

What Is the Speed Limit for Commercial Trucks in North Carolina?

The posted speed limit for commercial vehicles in North Carolina depends on the road that the truck is driving on. On most rural interstates, the speed limit is 70 mph. On most highways, the speed limit is between 50 and 65 mph, depending on the highway. If the truck weighs more than 10,000 pounds, the speed limit is 65 mph.

Who Should I Sue in a Truck Accident Case?

The target for your truck accident case in Waynesville, NC depends on what caused the accident. If the accident was caused by driver error, you may be able to hold the trucking company accountable as well as the driver. If the accident was caused by equipment failure, you may be able to sue the company that manufactured the truck itself. It depends on the case.

What Should I Do at the Scene of a Truck Accident?

At the scene of a truck accident, you should immediately call 911 if somebody hasn’t already done so. You will need to remain at the scene until the police tell you that you can leave. Stay calm, check yourself for injuries, move your vehicle if you can, and document the scene for your own records.

Reach Out Today

At Ganly & Ramer, P.L.L.C., we can help you build your truck accident case, gather the necessary evidence, and make sure that you are not taken advantage of throughout this process. Contact us to schedule a consultation with a valued team member today.

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